Posts in Family Separation
Families Belong Together Rally in Austin (and around the country): Saturday, June 30, 2018 - Join us!

Participate locally in one of the Families Belong Together events that will be held around the country this Saturday, June 30th!

Austin, get out there this Saturday, June 30th, to rally for immigrant families separated at the border! Enriched Family will be there. Hope to see you!

If you live outside of Austin, there is likely a local rally in or near your community. To find a local event near you, go to, a project of MoveOn.

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Family Separation and "Zero Tolerance" at the Border - What Now? (Updated post)

Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post about immigrant family separation and what we can do to protest this human rights issue. Today's post is an update since President Trump’s executive order halting the policy of family separation (but not zero tolerance) and focuses on the work still to be done.

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What you can do today to protest the policy of immigrant family separation!

As a mother, human being, and as an American, I am heartbroken and sickened by the current U.S. policy of family separation, under which ICE, Border Patrol, and Homeland Security is separating immigrant parents and their children who have been caught attempting to cross into the United States "illegally" or without documents. Children are being separated from their parents and sent to shelters, with the explicit intention of using these families as examples to deter immigrants from attempting to cross the border. 

Regardless of your politics or stance on immigration policy, we should all be able to agree that separating children from their parents is NOT the way to fix our immigration system. The Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy of "deterrence" is cruel, morally reprehensible, and un-American. 

So, what can we do today about this disgraceful policy?

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