There are always a ton of fun kids and family activities happening in the Austin area. Included in this post is a list of events and activities occurring in and around Austin in January. Many great activities are occurring this weekend, so check it out so you don't miss out. This list is by no means exhaustive; just a sampling of events that caught my eye that I wanted to highlight. Additional good sources for activity lists are included at the end of the post.
Read MoreOur family recently took a road trip from Austin to Marfa, TX. Having two daughters so close in age (8 and 6 years old) is wonderful in so many ways, but there are also times that the girls get on each others' (and our) last nerves, especially in the car. There’s just something about the close proximity of being in a car, not to mention the loss of autonomy that comes from literally being strapped in, that can lead to not-the-best behavior from the kids, and us adults.
Enter my abiding love for podcasts. I use them in the car all. the. time. The girls love them and I love their rapt silence as they listen to their favorites. On a long road trip, podcasts are our family's sanity-saving survival tools. As we have tried out quite a few podcasts for kids, I thought I would share our favorites.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again when many of us are looking for winter camps. In an effort to make your life easier, I have compiled a partial list of camps offering winter sessions. In my experience, winter camps tend to be more expensive than summer camps, are harder to find for little ones, and often do not cover the full school break. I have tried to include camps in different areas in or near Austin, with a variety of price points, and a few options for littles.
Read MoreIn light of our recent post on allowances and teaching children the value of saving as well as giving, I recently came across a great New York Times article, "How to Make a Personal Plan for Giving" by Carl Richards, that I want to share. The article and simple worksheet is a great resource to help us adults (although kids could certainly use it too) clarify and articulate why we want to give, what we want to give, and how we want to give. Whether you have a little or a lot to give, check it out. I'm off to fill out my worksheet...
Read MoreMy husband and I went back and forth deciding whether or not to give our girls allowances. The main sticking point was that we did not want to pay our kids (or train them to expect payment) for cleaning up after themselves and contributing to the family. At the same time, how many of us work for free, you know? The other thing that delayed us was deciding on all the details (e.g., How much to give them? For what?). Eventually, with my oldest turning eight, it seemed time to take the plunge…
Read MoreEnriched Family will be tabling at the Austin Baby Show this Sunday, 12/3 from 12-4pm at the Palmer Events Center in Austin (900 Barton Springs Road, 78704). Join us!
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