September Kids and Family Activities in Austin

We are swinging into fall, even though it still feels like summer in Austin! Now that we've had a couple of weeks to ease into the new school year, you may be looking for some fun, family activities to do in September... Check out Enriched Family's roundup of kids and family activities happening in the Austin area.

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Weeknight Recipe Roundup - Dinner in 30 Minutes or Less

The kids are (finally) back in school this week as of Wednesday and I am playing catch up on all things work and home. In thinking about what might be most helpful to you mamas and papas out there who are adjusting to the new normal of school and home routines, I thought a quick roundup of recipes that can be made in 30 minutes or less (active time) would be ideal for this time of year. Check them out, hope you enjoy, and may the first few weeks of school be as smooth as possible for you and yours!

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Back to School To-Do List & Organizing Tips

Mamas and papas: we are on the home stretch! It’s almost back to school time!

We are nearly there, but still have some work to do to get our kids and households organized to start the new school year off as smoothly as possible. As I am working to do this at my house, I thought I would share with you my list of to-do items and organizing recommendations...

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August Kids and Family Activities in Austin

Summer is flying by! It is hard to believe that the kids will be back in school within a few weeks (this is a welcome idea to some of us work-from-home parents)! To help you get the most out of the remaining weeks of summer, check out Enriched Family's August roundup of kid and family activities happening in the Austin area.

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Easy and Budget-Friendly Summer Organizing Motivation and Ideas

I recently completed a number of organization projects that I wanted to share with you. Though many of us think of spring cleaning and organizing, it helps to stay on top of things by periodically organizing key areas of the home that tend to become disorganized quickly. Namely, the fridge/freezer, pantry, and closets… 

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Bringing Home Lucky: Preparing Your Family and Home For a Puppy

Our children have been asking for a pet for a long time. My initial, internal reaction was: "Like I need another thing to take care of!" However, our children are currently 8 and 6, and I work from home now, so somehow it seemed more doable. Cats were out of the question as our neighborhood is always losing cats to coyotes. So, we started looking around for the right rescue dog. It took about six months, but thanks to @austinanimalcenter and @happyfosterdog, we found our dog! As you can see from the picture, he is adorable (yes, I am biased, but objectively, he is just darn cute).

I am discovering daily what a joy it is to have a puppy, and also what an undertaking! Whew. As I didn't grow up with dogs due to family allergies, this is pretty new for me. So, I did what I always do when facing the unknown and put on my researcher hat. I thought I would share the results of my research for other folks out there who are getting a dog for the first time. 

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Families Belong Together Rally in Austin (and around the country): Saturday, June 30, 2018 - Join us!

Participate locally in one of the Families Belong Together events that will be held around the country this Saturday, June 30th!

Austin, get out there this Saturday, June 30th, to rally for immigrant families separated at the border! Enriched Family will be there. Hope to see you!

If you live outside of Austin, there is likely a local rally in or near your community. To find a local event near you, go to, a project of MoveOn.

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Family Separation and "Zero Tolerance" at the Border - What Now? (Updated post)

Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post about immigrant family separation and what we can do to protest this human rights issue. Today's post is an update since President Trump’s executive order halting the policy of family separation (but not zero tolerance) and focuses on the work still to be done.

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What you can do today to protest the policy of immigrant family separation!

As a mother, human being, and as an American, I am heartbroken and sickened by the current U.S. policy of family separation, under which ICE, Border Patrol, and Homeland Security is separating immigrant parents and their children who have been caught attempting to cross into the United States "illegally" or without documents. Children are being separated from their parents and sent to shelters, with the explicit intention of using these families as examples to deter immigrants from attempting to cross the border. 

Regardless of your politics or stance on immigration policy, we should all be able to agree that separating children from their parents is NOT the way to fix our immigration system. The Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy of "deterrence" is cruel, morally reprehensible, and un-American. 

So, what can we do today about this disgraceful policy?

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Boredom Busters: Summer Engagement Ideas for Kids

While I love the idea of a lazy summer, with lots of swimming and reading, playdates, and some camp fun thrown in, I also find that my kids go a little crazy after too many unstructured days. And let's be honest, as a work-from-home small business owner and parent, I too go a little crazy trying to juggle work and kids over the summer. So, for the inevitable days when my kids are bored and I am trying to work on a deadline, I like to have some strategies in my back pocket to keep the girls mentally and creatively engaged. For this week's blog post, I am sharing some of these ideas with you. 

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Summer Cooking & Entertaining Inspiration

I have been looking through my recipes and combing the internet for some new cooking inspiration as we will be hosting several get-togethers at our place over the summer, and I am generally wanting to expand my recipe repertoire these days. There is something about the change in weather that makes me want to mix up what I am cooking and eating. Given that I haven't done a recipe roundup in a while, I thought I would share some ideas with you in this week's post.  

Below is a list of tried-and-true recipes compiled over the years that we will definitely be making at our house this summer. Following that are a variety of recipes that I hope to try out soon. Enjoy!

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Austin Summer Fun Ideas

Hi all! Summer and extra hot weather will soon be upon us. This blog post focuses on a compilation of fun Austin area activities to keep you and your family busy (and hopefully sometimes cool) all summer long. Think swimming spots, splash pads, free museum days, kids eat free days, movie days, library days, family service activities, and so on.

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Top 10 Podcasts for Kids (aka Road Trip Survival Tools)

As the end of school nears, many of us are thinking about summer camps, summer plans, and road trips. To help you on your road warrior journeys with kids, I have updated a blog post I did in January on podcasts for kids (aka road trip survival tools). I have added some new favorites to the list, dropped some podcasts that are good in a pinch, but are no longer at the top of our frequently played list, and kept those that continue to be top picks. 

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Enriched Family Austin Summer Camp Special Feature: Day and Overnight Camps

This is the fourth and final in a series of posts I wrote on summer camps in the Austin area. Previous posts focused on science and STEM-based campsarts-based camps, and sports camps.  This week's post focuses on day camps and overnight camps. When I think of day camps, I think of a "classic" camp experience - all around fun, incorporating different structured activities, as well as lots of outdoor activities, and plenty of unstructured time for fun - the camps included in this post were selected based on their fit with this camp definition. Overnight camps included meet the day camp definition and have the added benefit of being sleep away camps.

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